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Seasonal Wardrobe Change-Over

Spring and fall are my favorite seasons. I find the weather most agreeable and watching nature play out the cycle of life gives me hope. They are the comfortable seasons where only light layering is needed to enjoy the refreshing crisp air. The beauty of watching the leaves changing or finding those first spring buds is inspiring.

I turn my closet over twice a year, in spring and fall. Fall is my favorite time to take a good look at my wardrobe, what I have and whether or not I need to edit any pieces.

I love fall clothing. I invest in fall pieces because I appreciate the durability of the fabrics, the construction of the garment, defined silhouettes, and attention to detail. I know, when I find reputable Brands that are consistent in size, and quality, and are transparent in their manufacturing process, I will spend the extra money. My style is mostly classic. The pieces I invest in will last years and never go out of fashion, eventually becoming sought-after vintage.

I do enjoy spring, but I know that the hot humid weather is on the way. Admittedly, I perspire and as hard as I try to preserve the integrity of my clothing, there are always a few causalities. I am still searching for a natural deodorant that works for me. When I'm offending myself at the end of the day, it’s a problem.

The battle of yellow pit stains on white shirts will forever haunt me. I have tried sticking panty liners to the armpits of t-shirts and blouses, but they easily slip and are uncomfortable. I never invest in white tops because of this and I’m naturally clumsy, especially when I’m wearing white. It’s almost as if there is a magnetic attraction between what food is going into my mouth and whatever white clothing I’m wearing, they always come together.

As the spring turns to summer, and the temperature heats up, you want to wear minimal pieces with lighter fabrics. Delicate fabrics are easily susceptible to trauma. In the summer I’m far more active and reckless with my clothing. Except for work attire, I tend to buy light, loose, sustainable, and washable. They do not compare to my fall pieces but they are always chic with a hat, sunglasses, belt, or scarf. When you’re confident you’re in fashion.

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