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Fashion Fundamentals
August 18, 2022 at 6:40 PM
by Find Yourself In Fashion

I love to shop but I can understand when people tell me how overwhelming, intimidating, and frustrating their experience has been. There are racks upon racks of possibilities, sales associates’ telling you everything looks amazing, not to mention the multitude of online options with Mystery sizing and questionable fabrics. The amount of obstacles and chances things don’t work out is exhausting.

I have many years of experience in luxury retail sales; From Neiman Marcus and Bergdorf Goodman to Saks Fifth Ave. I understand the frustration from both sides of the fence. Here I hope to give you some insight into understanding how to shop for yourself confidently, and economically while being environmentally aware and responsible.

The foundation of your wardrobe and your style begins with the knowledge of what clothing cuts and colors are best suited to you. I can’t emphasize the importance of understanding your figure and the silhouettes that complement your shape, as well as the colors that harmonize best with your natural skin, hair, and eye color. This will probably reduce your options by 75% or more, allowing you to eliminate pieces that don’t suit you and give focus to your style and goals.

There are truly so many beautiful clothes out there but recognizing what looks good on a hanger but is not right for you is a huge step in the right direction.

It’s easy to get caught up in trends and fast fashion and it’s easy to make purchases that look good in magazines or buying styles you admire, but in the end, fall flat on you. Knowing yourself, your style and the ability to recognize and put together looks provides the opportunity for you to invest in pieces with elevated quality, fabrics, and manufacturing awareness. True, these pieces may be more expensive but the longevity of clothing should last years and not seasons. Like many decisions in life, clothing should be an investment.

Now more than ever, awareness of the environment and manufacturing pollution and waste, is paramount. The fashion industry, aware of the damage being created, is being held accountable and is responding. Luxury brands are sourcing sustainable fabric alternatives and creating CRMs (digital histories) of the entire manufacturing process of each particular piece. Customers are educated about the process of their garments and can be more eco-conscience when buying clothing.

I am a firm believer in buying luxury brands second-hand or gently used. Brands carry reputations and expectations of quality which for the most part you can count on. I particularly like The Real

Real( This website authenticates each garment and rates them from fair to pristine. If there

are marks or imperfections they are noted and pointed out so you know the condition of each piece you buy. This is one of many resale sites but I have always had great luck with this site and they have a solid reputation for transparency and consistency.

The world has changed dramatically in the last few years. I loved shopping socially with friends, being able to feel the fabrics, see the actual colors and try them on so I knew they fit and I wouldn’t have to worry about return shipping fees. I loved working with my clients in person; pulling looks together, getting to know them, and building a more personal relationship. Now life has adapted to a more hands-off approach. Most retail shopping is done online. This eliminates the tactile and real-time discovery of clothing. This is very unfortunate and creates a lot of frustration when trying to order the proper size, cuts, and colors. We have also lost the social aspect of shopping as well as the personal experience. What was once a favorite pastime amongst friends, a time to get together an excuse to get out of the house can now be accomplished on your laptops. But in reality, nothing will replace the rush and exhilaration of complete sensory immersion.

the feel of a Hermes silk scarf in your hands, the store smell so unique to the brand, as you wrap it around your neck and look in the mirror at the soft folds of the scarf and undulating cascade of radiant colors lighting up your face. The total experience.

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